ManCave Modeler presents...

  SMS Seydlitz
Hobby Boss 1/350 scale
Coming Soon

SMS Seydlitz, Hobby Boss 68510
Length 623 mm
Beam 91.9 mm

The cover art for this kit shows the ship in an early configuration, with torpedo nets and booms, but inside the box is the late war version of the ship, after the nets and booms were removed.
Kit consists of a two piece hull is split along the keel, 3 piece deck, and 6 large sprues of parts along with a couple bags of loose parts
There is also four sheets of PE brass containing handrails for the decks and both funnels, ladders, stairs and various deck details. The sheet of decals contains the air recognition for the foreand after turrets and the ships bow crest
The plastic parts are well detailed, crisp and clear of flash. Both the main and secondary guns are slide molded with hollowed barrels
The hull is split at the keel and has 5 bulkhead stiffeners. There is no scoring line for waterline display

The kit does not come with a display base

I'm happy to see hobby boss stepping up and releasing some of these older dreadnaught and predreadnaught type ships
(hint hint... How about some American Predreadnaughts next year HB?)


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Last Updated December 18, 2017