ManCave Modeler presents...
Junkers JU87 Stuka
Italeri, 1/72 scale

The Kit
A nice little weekend build, this kit comes with two sprues molded in gray, and a clear sprue of canopy parts. The Decal set came with four options. I had planned to use the Snake up the side but I had an issue with the decal tearing so I ended up using the other markings even though the markings don't match the paint job.

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The amazing thing about photography is that it picks up things the human eye will miss.
I must have looked at this plane a couple dozen times, and completely missed the masked off canopy window and a little cleanup on some other panels.
It also looks like I lost a lens off the wing, and the tail wheel seems to be missing.
Hopefully the missing parts are in the case and the mask has since been removed from the rear canopy

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Last Updated December 9, 2018